Our mission as Rock Point’s Early Childhood Ministry (Nursery-Kindergarten) is to create a safe, enriching environment where the seeds of faith can be planted in the hearts of your youngest. But beyond that, our Early Childhood Ministry serves as an entry point for you to embark on a partnership with the church with the aim of seeing your child grow in vibrant faith in the years to come. We want to equip you with the tools you need to be the primary faith influencer in your family. As a parent, you will ultimately have a far greater influence on your children than any church leader and so our primary role is to empower and encourage you. Please contact us with any questions and join us as we seek to partner with you in this most important endeavor.
NURSERYWe know that leaving your baby can be frightening and overwhelming. To ensure that your baby receives the best care, we adhere to a one volunteer to every two children ratio. All volunteers in our nursery classroom have been background checked and are trained and equipped to care for all the needs of your infant. To help you and your baby have a great experience at Rock Point Church, we ask that you please provide: diapers, bottles, pacifiers and any special items that will soothe your baby. Upon checking in your baby, please ask for item tags to label all items that belong to your baby. Nursing Mothers: If you are a nursing mother, we invite you to nurse your baby in the security and comfort of our nursery classroom. ONE’SThis is a fun and active stage in your child’s life. We are excited to have them join us on Sunday mornings and look forward to teaching them about the love of God. To help you and your toddler have a great experience at Rock Point Church, we ask that you please provide extra diapers and a change of clothes. Upon checking your child in, ask for item tags to label all items, including cups, diapers, pacifiers, etc. If your child is potty training, We ask that your child wear pull-ups to the classroom and please be sure to communicate that to the teacher. Background-checked, female volunteers assist children with their diapering and toileting needs as necessary. TWO’S & THREE’SOur teaching plan begins in our two year-old classrooms. We believe in an active, hands-on approach with your kids with plenty of flexibility for the typical needs of two and three year-olds. These classes begin with a sensory station activity that is designed to engage each child. Upon transitioning to the large group area, the children participate in worship, where they are encouraged to sing and dance and interact with their leaders followed by a creative presentation of the Bible story. FOUR’S | PRE-K | KINDERGARTENThese classes begin with “me” time, a time set aside for the children to be in community with other children. This is followed by a prayer circle and learning the books of the Bible. Upon transitioning to the large group area, the children participate in worship, where they are encouraged to sing and dance and interact with their leaders, then the children watch a creative presentation of the Bible story. |
SplashtacularSunday, August 16 1:1 (Special Needs) TEAMSundays STAY CONNECTED
Early Childhood Volunteer Opportunities
Allergy Awareness & Snack Policy