Celebrate Recovery (CR) offers freedom in Jesus Christ our One and only Higher Power.

Have you been:
Hurt by life: victim of abuse, harmful relationships, divorce, grief, etc.
Stuck in a habit: drugs, alcohol, gambling, relationships, bad behavior, sexual addiction, pornography, etc.
Hung-up by life’s hang-ups: codependency, depression, guilt, etc.

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-Centered recovery ministry for people looking for true recovery from life’s hurts, habits, and hang-ups.  We all have the ability to become addicted to something.  In CR you will experience the power of God’s grace in ways you never thought possible. You will see lives changed, hearts healed, relationships rebuilt, and hope restored. CR is all about sharing our experience, strength and hope and finding true recovery through this Christ-centered 12-Step program. 

Every Friday night you will experience

7 – 8p  Large group worship, teaching and testimonies

8 – 9p  Open share groups for men and women that are focused on your specific hurts, habits, and hang-ups
           Newcomers 101 for our guests, which is an overview of Celebrate Recovery and answers any questions

Open share groups include:

Men's Groups
Addictive Behaviors
Anger & Control
Sexual Integrity
People Pleasing & Co-Dependency
Anxiety, Fear, & Depression
Women's Groups
Addictive Behaviors
Anger & Control
Abuse & Other Hurts
People Pleasing & Co-Dependency
Anxiety, Fear, & Depression

9 – 930p  Informal fellowship in our café to connect with people from your Open Share groups, accountability partners, and make new friends

Childcare is available for children nursery through 6th grade from 645 - 930p. 

You may email with questions.