Summer Potlucks

August 13 from 1130a - 1p
Please join us for a time of food and fellowship.

Fall Study

Mark your calendar!
Join us every Thursday, starting September 10 from 130p - 3p for our Fall study on the book of Nehemiah, "Lessons in Leadership".

Google the word SALT and you’ll find it’s one controversial compound.  Although, twenty first century nutritionists have waged war against the little white powder, suggesting it is one of the most dangerous substances ever to threaten humanity, yet there is constant disagreement among the experts when it comes to SALT’s health risks or benefits. One thing’s for sure, for thousands of years SALT has been used for its ability to enhance the taste of food, and as a purifier to keep perishable items from spoiling.  Also, in ancient times SALT was highly regarded and sought after.  Pound for pound SALT was actually more precious than gold, and during the height of the Roman Empire, soldiers were often paid in SALT.  In fact, the word salary actually comes from a derivative of the word SALT. 

Also, the word SALT is used several times in the New Testament.  Jesus called His followers to be SALT and light to those who were far from Him, and urged His disciples to be the SALT of the world (Matthew 5:13).  The Apostle Paul reminded Christians that their conversations are to be seasoned with SALT (Colossians 4:6) instructing us that we are to speak pure and encouraging words to one another.  In essence, Jesus calls those who belong to Him to be purifiers and preservers of the culture wherever they find themselves. That’s why the seniors at Rock Point have adopted the word S.A.L.T. for the name of their ministry.  The acronym S.A.L.T. stands for Senior Adults Living Triumphantly.  Rock Point’s seniors are not content just to sit back and allow our culture to spoil and perish. They understand and have accepted Jesus' calling to use their time, talents, and treasure to help enhance the Body of Christ in this generation.