Most men travel through life carefully projecting an image that says, ‘I’m okay.’ Privately, however, they are battling huge inner turmoil and conflict. Without healthy outlets and relationships to turn to, they’re like that poor zebra isolated from the pack that soon becomes dinner for a prowling lion. At Rock Point’s Men’s Ministry you’ll find guys who are willing to watch out for each other, and caring enough to confront one another in a Godly manner.
If you’re a guy who’s ready to grow in your relationship with Christ, connect and learn with other men, and find your place in ministry, we have a bi-monthly (the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month) connection event where you can easily plug in.
Right now, we are Studying Authentic Manhood: A man and His work.
This volume reveals how God created man to work. His word instructs men how to engage and actually enjoy their work. Also, it provides insight into some of the ways that guys can find both their best fit and more fulfillment in their jobs. The 33 Series is designed to teach men how to be real men, based upon the 33 years that Jesus walked on this earth. Sadly, too many guys don’t know how to answer the question …“who am I as a man?”… and they end up settling for a “less-than” life. They don’t have a compelling manhood vision that is bigger and more meaningful than the conventional manhood that much of the world seems to be chasing.
Here’s the good news. God has a really clear purpose and vision for us as men that is unique to use as men and He lays it out for us right there in his word. We call it… Authentic Manhood… and it’s not only clear, it’s inspiring, exciting and motivating.