Our motto is “real people, real life”. That means we want to be genuine with you. We want you to be authentic with us. And we want to tackle real issues that real people face. Above all though, we want to uncompromisingly preach Jesus and His Gospel. We hope you find community here. We hope your marriage is strengthened. We want your kids to have a good time. But if all that is accomplished and you don’t meet Jesus, then we haven’t done our jobs.

Church can be an intimidating place. Whether this is your first experience with Rock Point in particular or Church in general, we want you to feel as welcome as possible. While the best way to get to know us is to come check us out at a weekend service, this page is designed to help you find out who we are and to answer any questions you might have. If you have any additional questions not answered here, you can always contact us.


God communicates with us in a variety of ways. His primary means, however, is through His Son, Jesus, who is the exact representation of what God is like. We learn about Jesus through His Word, the Bible, and so the Bible is the primary basis for all of our messages. Our sermons always point back to Jesus and to applying His message of redemption in our lives today. Sometimes our messages are more topical, addressing a specific felt need in our community. Other times we walk through a book of the Bible, delving into the Word of God verse by verse. In everything, however, we draw a line back to the saving work of Jesus Christ and make no apologies about keeping our focus on Him.

Our sermons can be long – often over 45 minutes – but they never drag. That doesn’t mean we won’t have a little fun while doing it, and so you will find quickly that humor abounds, with our ultimate goal to make Jesus famous through our words and actions. The Bible tells us that faith comes when the Word of God is faithfully preached and heard and so we strive to preach as much of it as we can.




We don’t want our people to limit their definition of worship to what goes on musically in our church services. We want worship to be a lifestyle of response to what God has done for us through the person and work of Jesus Christ. Our services, music included, should instead serve as a unifying experience, an opportunity to establish corporate solidarity not only in our praises for God’s goodness and faithfulness, but also in our prayers for His protection and provision.

We seek to create environments that help facilitate worshipful responses, whatever their form, and that never distract anyone from connecting with our Savior God. We play our music loudly and passionately – singing songs ranging from contemporary worship ballads to rocked-out classic hymns – not because we want to entertain, but because we are passionate about what God is doing in and through us. The music will always strive to complement the teaching, not overpower it, and both music and message aim to foster a reflective lifestyle that responds to God in worship throughout the week.



We want your children to feel welcome at church just as much as you do and so we follow the same guiding principles in our children and student environments that we follow in our adult settings. Jesus is primary in all we do, beginning with our early childhood classrooms and continuing all the way up to our high school services. Each environment seeks to establish a safe, welcoming and age appropriate setting where the Bible is taught clearly and the name of Jesus is proclaimed loudly. In addition to having focused directors and staff members over each ministry, we employ a large team of highly trained, background checked volunteers all dedicated to making sure your child feels welcomed, learns a lot and returns to you safely.

Our desire is that your children can be themselves, find acceptance, experience support and be challenged to grow. However, we know that the primary responsibility for passing on faith to the next generation is yours. So we focus equally on equipping parents and families, and creating quality worship environments. We hope you will partner with us in undertaking this important calling. Head to our Family Ministry page for more information.

