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CHILDREN & STUDENTS | Splashtacular 2015

CHILDREN & STUDENTS | Splashtacular 2015

Sunday, August 16, 2015, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Location: Mesquite Groves Aquadic Center, 5901 South Hillcrest Drive, Chandler, AZ US 85249

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The Early Childhood, Early Elementary and Preteen Ministries would like to invite families of children ages birth through Pre-teen for an evening at Mesquite Groves Aquatic Center! We've reserved the entire facility for this event - so grab your family and we will see you there! Pizza & water will be provided!

COST | $2 per person 3 years of age and older (2 years and under are FREE!)

REGISTRATION | Is required by Friday, August 14.