No matter how long you have been married, this interactive and small group driven class will help you understand God's plan for your marriage and help you discover new insights about yourself, your spouse, and your relationship.
However, this will not be your average marriage class. In this video-based study, we’ll concentrate and focus on Jesus - and what He has to say about marriage throughout the Bible.
Who are marriage classes designed for?
- Singles - who are looking to become the right kind of mate, a lifetime partner, and best friend.
- Engaged couples - who are trying to figure out what a biblical marriage looks like, and provide a basic roadmap to help newlyweds to avoid common “danger zones” that often cause “collisions” early in a marriage.
- Married couples - who are looking to have fun, friendship and real intimacy in their lifetime commitment.
TIME & LOCATION | Tuesday Evenings, 6:30-8:30p in Early Elementary (Room #30)
MATERIALS | The Real Marriage Book and Real Marriage Workbook are required and are available for purchase for $9 (book) and $10 (workbook) at The LINK (located in the church lobby) during weekend services.
CHILDCARE | Childcare is available for $60 per child, ages 18 months to 12 years old.
Registration Is Now Closed
Real Marriage
Your marriage is what you make it, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer.
So, how are you doing? Every marriage has room to grow, and we all can benefit from a deeper relationship with our spouse. Yet, we never seem to have time to just work on our marriage.
No matter how long you have been married, this interactive small group driven class that will help you understand God's plan for your marriage and help you discover new insights about your relationship with your spouse.