Relationships are not formed in isolation and a relationship with Jesus requires interaction with Him, not only intellectually and emotionally in our own personal devotional time, but also physically and tangibly, by living life alongside His people, the Church. The Bible describes the Church as the body of Christ, the means through which Jesus is establishing His redemptive Kingdom in the world today. While a great portion of that Kingdom is displayed outwardly, as the Church seeks to actively engage in redeeming the rest of the world, there is also an inward element where the body of Christ is grown and strengthened by the Holy Spirit in community with one another.
At Rock Point, we define Biblical community as a place where people can be known, accepted, supported, and developed. Most people are fine with two of those ideas. Few will have a problem with being accepted and supported. But the notion that those around us might really get to know who we truly are can make us uncomfortable. And the idea that we might be developed, actually challenged to grow, might give many of us pause. In response to the reality that Biblical community may sound downright scary to some, Rock Point has designed a wide range of avenues for engaging with others in the church. Regardless of your current stage in life, we encourage you to explore the various GROUPS, CLASSES, and RESTORATION GROUPS that we offer through our ADULT MINISTRIES and RESTORATION MINISTRIES. If you don’t find your place, then please contact us and we’ll help get you plugged in. Life in Christ is too great a gift to experience alone.