
Gilbert, Arizona

Organization | Area Info

Vision Arizona is a group of churches committed to helping other biblically conservative churches get started in the greater Phoenix area. Vision Arizona offers funding and extensive coaching to pastors and leaders or potential church starts.

RPC Missions’ Role

A core role of Rock Point Church is to spread the word of God and bring people to Christ. By supporting Vision Arizona we are expanding God’s Kingdom in Arizona through starting new churches and by training pastors and leaders.

Recent Activity

Rock Point Church donates monetarily to Vision Arizona monthly and the pastors and leadership of Rock Point Church actively participate in Vision Arizona’s efforts monthly.

Future Activity

Rock Point Church will continue to support plant churches and join the movement of Vision Arizona monetarily and provide leadership for their mission.

Facts of Interest

  • Vision Arizona has a church planting track record of over 90% success.
  • Arizona is projected to be the 10th most populous state with 10.7 million people.