


Peoria, Arizona

Organization | Area Info

StreetLightUSA specializes in caring for and healing child victims of sex trafficking/exploitation. Our unique residential program is a safe haven focusing on American girls age 11 – 17, enabling them to start a new life. The FBI, police departments, child welfare agencies, and judicial systems throughout the country transfer girls to our fully-staffed, secure center.

RPC Missions’ Role

The role God has allowed Rock Point Church to have starting with Vision Abolition and now with StreetLightUSA has been the tip of the spear in fighting for the victims of sex trafficking and exploitation. Since Rock Point Church heard about the movement that now is being done by StreetLightUSA we have had a passion to assist in any way possible. RPC Missions fully supports StreetLightUSA’s three-pronged approach to fulfilling its mission through direct care, prevention, and public awareness. The work they do with victims of the sex trade industry is an extremely urgent and sensitive process to bring them from the abuse they have suffered – providing physical and medical treatments; emotional and mental health counseling; social and relationship assistance; educational development; skill training with the goal of independence.

Recent Activity

Rock Point Church donates monetarily to StreetLightUSA monthly and several Rock Point Church Members volunteer their time and talents to support StreetLightUSA’s efforts every month.

Future Activity

RPC Missions will continue to support StreetLightUSA monetarily and provide assistance where needed to fight for the victims of a spiritual war.

Facts of Interest

  • The average age of entry for children who are victims of child sex trafficking in our country is 13 years old.
  • Once the cycle is started, it is hard for the victims to get out on their own due to threats from the pimps, their own fear and shame, and beliefs that they are worthless.
  • StreetLightUSA is the largest facility for child sex trafficking victims in the country. It has the capacity to expand from 16 to 48 beds but needs help to open more cottages and serve more girls.