
Mesa, Arizona

Organization | Area Info

House of Refuge is a faith-based non-profit organization helping homeless families and individuals in crisis by providing transitional housing and supportive services that assist participants as they strive towards self-sufficiency and seek to obtain permanent housing. On any given day, approximately 100 adults and 150 children call House of Refuge “home”. Many come from a history of domestic violence and children often become the innocent victims.

RPC Missions’ Role

RPC Missions strives to support the efforts of House of Refuge and believe that the work they are doing for our community is vital. RPC Missions is planning to increase how we assist House of Refuge in taking the broken human spirit and restoring it – body, mind and soul – to strengthen individuals and families in our community.

Recent Activity

Rock Point Church completed our annual Backpack Impact donation drive in July of 2013. Backpack Impact provides much needed school supplies, which are not provided by schools, that are essential for education to children who could not otherwise afford them. We raised over 320 backpacks full of 3,500 different school supplies for House of Refuge to distribute and helped our community in ways that are immeasurable.

Future Activity

RPC Missions will continue our annual Backpack Impact donation drive beginning in June of 2014. We have developed a great relationship with House of Refuge and will be helping struggling families reach our community in more ways in 2014.

Facts of Interest

  • The average age of a homeless person is only 9 years old.
  • Women and children make up the fastest growing group of those who are now homeless.
  • Close to 20% of Arizona families are living at or below the Federal Poverty Level. These families are living ‘on the edge financially’ and are often only an illness, accident or missed paycheck away from homelessness.
  • The average size of families in shelters and transitional housing is 3.3 individuals.