Arizona and Southern California
Organization | Area Info
Converge Southwest is a movement of churches working together to strengthen and start more churches. Converge Southwest’s mission is to multiply transformational leaders and churches throughout the southwest to grow spiritually, reach nations, plant churches, mobilize churches, develop leaders, show compassion, and live generously. Converge Southwest goal is to connect God's people around God's purposes, igniting movements of spiritual reproduction, and transforming lives and communities with the love and truth of Jesus.
RPC Missions’ Role
Converge Southwest supported Rock Point Church as a start up church in 2002. The relationship that has been built has been mutually beneficial and the role of RPC Missions is now to help create future church plants that could turn out to be as impactful to advance the Great Commission of Christ as Rock Point Church is.
Recent Activity
Rock Point Church donates monetarily to Converge Southwest monthly and actively participate in Converge Southwest’s efforts.
Future Activity
Rock Point Church will continue to support plant churches and join the movement of Converge Southwest monetarily.
Facts of Interest
- The last five years have seen the greatest number of new churches and new disciples of any five year period in our history.
- Approximately 3,931,800 people in Arizona do not attend church at least once per month.