The Problem
If you find you cannot quit drinking or using entirely, or if you have little control over the amount you consume, you are probably an alcoholic and/or an addict. If that is the case, you may be suffering from a problem which only a spiritual solution will conquer.
- Have you ever decided to stop drinking and/or using for a week or so, but it only lasted for a couple of days?
- Do you wish people would mind their own business about your drinking and/or using, and stop telling you what to do?
- Have you ever switched from one kind of drink or drug to another in the hope that this would keep you from losing control?
- Have you had to have an “eye-opener” upon awakening during the past year? Do you need a drink or a drug to get started or to stop shaking?
- Do you envy people who can drink or use drugs without getting into trouble?
- Have you had problems connected with drinking or using during the past year?
- Has your drinking or using caused trouble at home?
- Do you ever try to get “extra” drinks or drugs at a party because you did not get enough?
- Do you tell yourself you can stop drinking or using any time you want to, even though you keep getting inebriated when you don’t mean to?
- Have you missed days of work or school because of drinking or using?
- Do you have “blackouts”?
- Have you ever felt that your life would be better if you did not drink or use?
What Is Your Score?
Did you answer YES two or more times? If so, you are probably in trouble with alcohol or drugs.
Only you can decide whether you think Celebrate Recovery is for you. Try to keep an open mind on the subject. If the answer is YES, we will be glad to show you how we stopped drinking and using drugs ourselves.
The Solution
Celebrate Recovery does not promise to solve your life’s problems. But it can show you how to:
- Work through the 8 Recovery Principles found in the Beatitudes. With Jesus Christ as your Higher Power, you can and will change!
- Live without drinking or using one day at a time with the help of the Higher Power, Jesus Christ.
- Stay away from that first drink. If there isn’t a first one, there cannot be a tenth one. And when free of alcohol, life becomes much more manageable, with Christ’s power.
- Experience the true peace and serenity you have been seeking.
- Restore and develop stronger relationships with God and with others.
- Stop relying on dysfunctional, compulsive, and addictive behaviors as a temporary “fix” for pain.
- Apply the Biblical principles of conviction, conversion, surrender, confession, restitution, prayer, quiet time, witnessing, and helping one another, which are found within the 8 Recovery Principles and the Christ-centered 12 Steps. When life becomes impossible and passes into the region from which there is no return through human resources, there are but two alternatives:
- The first is to go on to the bitter end, blotting out the consciousness of our intolerable situation as best as we could.
- The second is to accept Jesus Christ as our Higher Power.
We chose to accept Jesus Christ!